  • Can Nike Still Do It Without Phil Knight?

    DANIEL ROTH 2008-02-22 10:10 发现相似文章

    来源:2005年4月号《财富》杂志作者:DANIEL ROTHNow that Knight has stepped down, it's up to new CEO Bill Perez to channel one of the most inscrutable, contradictory, ...

  • 原作欣赏

    财富中文网 2008-02-22 11:41 发现相似文章

    《财富》杂志是一份以高质量的写作而闻名的商业期刊,有人形容她是“用文学语言表现商业戏剧”。概括起来说,《财富》的写作有两大特点,一是坚持“长文”(Long-form Journalism),二是风格多样。在阅读日益快餐化和“短信化”的今天,《财富》恐怕是唯一一本以刊登8,000字以上“长文“为主的商...

  • 10 things you can do to celebrate Boss’s Day

    财富中文网 2009-10-20 12:49 发现相似文章

    By Stanley Bing1. Say “Happy Boss’s Day” to your boss. Without irony, if possible.2. If you have a problem on the job, do not bring it to your boss on...

  • Without Jobs it'll be Apple 4.0

    Adam Lashinsky 2011-01-20 02:17 发现相似文章

    Apple will be fine, again, under veteran COO Tim Cook. But the day will inevitably come when the board will have to a find a permanent replacement for...

  • 10 things you can do to prepare for vacation

    财富中文网 2009-06-22 05:52 发现相似文章

    By Stanley Bing1. Send a memo to Bob, asking him if it’s okay for you to take two whole weeks together, and informing him of the date and perhaps aski...

  • Why bookstores still matter

    Michael Edwards, CEO, Borders 2010-06-29 01:37 发现相似文章

    We've heard it all before: digital content means the end of physical media. As consumers flock to the convenience of instant gratification and on-the-...

  • Gates without Microsoft

    Brent Schlender 2009-03-19 01:40 发现相似文章

    来源:2008年6月号《财富》杂志Ah, retirement. Time to kick back, relax, and rethink philanthropy, learn biochemistry, eradicate malaria and develop drought-resista...

  • Microsoft without Gates

    David Kirkpatrick 2009-03-19 01:54 发现相似文章

    来源:2008年6月号《财富》杂志The challenge isn't replacing Bill. That's already happened. Ballmer's big issues now: growth, Google, and those pesky Apple ads.作者:D...

  • Do women do better in a recession?

    财富中文网 2009-07-27 05:12 发现相似文章

    Female managers just might have an edge in a rotten economy, says the author of a new book. Here's why, and how men and women can learn from each othe...

  • Make purchases without cash

    财富中文网 2009-06-29 06:12 发现相似文章

    In a tough economy, more business owners are conserving cash by bartering for the stuff they need.By Justin Martin(FSB Magazine) -- Tina Ames owns the...